Zgodnie z uchwałą nr 67/2018/2019 Rady Wydziału Zarządzania UG z dnia 31.01.2019 r. każdy student studiów stacjonarnych od roku akademickiego 2019/2020 zobowiązany jest w toku studiów do realizacji przynajmniej jednego przedmiotu w języku angielskim.
The graduate has knowledge in the field of:
The graduate has the following skills:
The graduate can take up work in the following job positions:
The graduate can work in the following entities:
Creating a solid foundation for employing BI graduates was one of the main challenges behind establishing the Business Informatics (BI) specialization. BI students not only work for various companies but also use their skills and creative ideas to establish their own innovative start-ups. The modern knowledge-based economy definitely needs IT solution developers as well as experts who connect the world of IT with the world of business. All global and European forecasts regarding staff indicate a growing demand for graduates of intelligent IT specializations, including programmers and mobile application programmers.
The program has a distinction rating from the Polish Accreditation Committee.
Lecturers have certificates confirming their expert status in specific subject areas. For selected courses, students are also eligible to receive certificates from well-known IT entities such as Cisco.
The atmosphere of collaboration and creative inspiration is fostered by two student scientific clubs: e-xpert and L!der, which took 1st and 3rd place in the competition of several scientific clubs of the Faculties of Economics and Management at the 70th Anniversary Congress of Graduates of the Sopot Center for Economic Sciences. Students of this specialization have already achieved significant success in international student IT competitions, including:
In the 2nd edition of the Nationwide Competition and Accreditation Program “Studies with a Future”, the specialization was awarded the Certificate and Quality Mark. The study programs that took part in the competition were independently evaluated by three experts – members of the commission: experts representing the academic community, the socio-economic environment, and those representing the statutory bodies of the Foundation for the Development of Education and Higher Education, the organizer of the Competition. Within the “Studies with a Future” program, certificates are awarded to majors and specializations distinguished on the market by their innovative potential and teaching model that embraces the role of practical skills and social competencies. The Expert Commission rewards competitors that are excellently tailored to the challenges of the contemporary job market and the expectations of external stakeholders of the university.