Zgodnie z uchwałą nr 67/2018/2019 Rady Wydziału Zarządzania UG z dnia 31.01.2019 r. każdy student studiów stacjonarnych od roku akademickiego 2019/2020 zobowiązany jest w toku studiów do realizacji przynajmniej jednego przedmiotu w języku angielskim.
a graduate has knowledge in the field of:
- general economic issues
- managerial concepts
- strategic and operational management
- strategic and digital marketing
- project management
- legal and ethical issues in business
- sustainability in business
- managerial accounting
- corporate finance
- investment management
- risk management
- human capital management
- innovation management
a graduate shall possess the following skills:
- analytical skills
- quantitative methods usage
- communication skills
- planning skills
- team building
- ethical and responsible decision making
a graduate may take up employment in the following positions:
- manager (in business and non-business organizations)
- project manager
- business consultant
- business analyst
- sustainability / CSR manager
a graduate may take up employment in the following entities:
- transnational corporations
- small and medium enterprises
- entrepreneur
- non-governmental organizations
- public sector entities